Arenaria interpres
Family Name: | Scolopacidae |
Taxonomic Group: | Vertebrates (Bird) |
Common Name: | Ruddy Turnstone, Burung Kedidi Batu |
Size | 23 cm |
Description | Short bill, somewhat upturned; short orange-red legs. Breeding: male’s head and breast white with distinctive pattern of black stripes. Upperparts chestnut with black and white markings. Underparts white. Non-breeding: lose chestnut colour; head uniformly dark-brown. |
Ecology, Habitat & Location
Habitats | Mangroves, Mudflats, Sandy Shore |
Distribution | Found worldwide along the coast. The East Asian-Australasian population breeds in high arctic Siberia and Northwest Alsaka; winters in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia. Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Best sighted on the mudflats in the brackish water ponds between Sep and Feb. |
Nature Reserves | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve |
Conservation Notes | An uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Best sighted on the mudflats in the brackish water ponds between Sep and Feb. |