Skills Library

The Skills Library is an online depository of training materials provided by CUGE to support the skills upgrading of the landscape workforce. These training materials may be downloaded from the links below.

Copyright: National Parks Board, Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology. All rights reserved.

The copyright in these materials provided to you (including all graphics, text products and design) is owned by the National Parks Board, except where otherwise indicated.

These materials are provided to you by the National Parks Board or its authorized agents or representatives as an information resource and reference solely and strictly for the purpose of training. Any other use of this document or parts thereof, including reproduction, publication, distribution, transmission, re-transmission or public showing, or storage in a retrieval system in any form, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, for purposes other than that expressly stated above without the express permission of the National Parks Board is strictly prohibited. 


Higher Certificate in Landscape
Module  Learner's Guide PPT Slides Training Videos
(not exhaustive)
Hazards and Risk Control, and Policy Management 
(Level 2)
Horticultural Chemical Usage 
(Level 2)
Plant Health Management and Disease Control 
(Level 2)
Plant Pruning
(Level 2)
  1. Preparation for Work Activities
  2. Inspect Plants
  3. Prune Trees, Hedges and Shrubs
  4. Reinstate Work Sites
Turf Maintenance
(Level 2)
  1. Preparation for Work Activities
  2. Mow Turf Area
  3. Fertilize Plants and Turf
  4. Maintain Turf Area


Training Videos
Preparation for Work Activities
Inspect Plants
Prune Trees, Hedges and Shrubs
Plant Trees and Shrubs
Fertilize Plants and Turf
Perform Weeding
Mow Turf Area
Maintain Turf Area
Apply Non-Hazardous Chemicals under Supervision
Reinstate Work Sites


Tech Tools
Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Analytics (MSRS)
Grass Height Sensor
Remote Tree Measurement System (RTMS) & Tree Structural Model Plus (TSM+)
Roadway Animal Detection System (RADS)
Contractor Fleet Sheet Management (CFSM)
Tree Tilt Sensor (TTS)
Resistance Drilling Equipment (RESI)

Robotic Lawn Mower (RLM)