Landscape and Animal Sector Productivity Grant

With effect from 29 April 2023, the Landscape and Animal Sector Productivity Grant (LAPG) will replace the Landscape Productivity Grant (LPG) and Agriculture Productivity Fund (Non-Food). The LPG and Agriculture Productivity Fund (Non-Food) were previously streamlined into the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG).



The Landscape and Animal Sector Productivity Grant (LAPG) helps companies defray the cost of purchasing equipment and creating new digital solutions to streamline work processes. It is part of NParks’ effort to encourage the digitalisation of the landscape sector to enhance productivity.


This will in turn drive sectoral transformation, resulting in a stronger, resilient, and agile industry that can better support efforts to intensify greening in Singapore as we transform into a City in Nature.


Who Can Apply


Landscape, orchid and ornamental fish companies with valid licence or registration issued by NParks are eligible to apply for the grant.


How to Apply

Companies can apply for this funding under two schemes:


I.               Standard Scheme


-       Allows companies to invest in equipment based on a pre-approved list of landscape equipment (as of 2023) :








Electric powered/hybrid landscape equipment


Fleet Management System i.e. hardware


Mobile Elevating Work Platform/Boom Lift/Spider Lift


Robotic/Wireless/Autonomous Mower


Sensors for measurement (hardware)


Stump Grinder


Tractor Hedge Cutter


Tree Management Systems


Tree Diagnostic equipment


Propose your own


















 All applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


 Under the standard scheme, companies are advised to avoid applying for the following:

a.  Equipment previously supported under earlier NParks’ grant tranches for their own or related companies as productivity improvements have already been ascertained for such equipment.

b.    Multiple units of the same type of equipment.

c.     Widely used equipment in the industry such as lorry cranes, excavators, forklift and buggies etc.


 All applicants are to take note of the following;


For equipment that have multiple equipment vendors available in the market e.g. spider lift, company must submit 3 comparative quotes for the equipment with the same technical specifications. Companies must also provide clear justifications for the quotation and supplier they select.


For equipment being sourced from a sole distributor, the applicant is required to provide a copy of the sole distributorship appointment letter from the equipment supplier stating the said appointment including the validity period of the appointment. Applicants are also to provide additional supporting documentation on price quotation comparison where it is available from GeBIZ, public tenders or any other relevant sources. Companies may obtain such relevant information from the sole distributor.  


For customised solutions, applicant to submit 3 quotes. In the event, applicant is not able to provide comparative quote, applicant to submit 3 quotes of the basic equipment pricing without customisation for further evaluation.


II.             Innovation Scheme


-       Allows companies to develop innovative equipment and solutions which are not readily available in the market. Companies can collaborate with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) or third-party service providers to develop new initiatives.



Standard Scheme

Innovation Scheme


Allows companies to invest in equipment based on a pre-approved list of landscape equipment.

Allows companies to develop innovative equipment and solutions which are not readily available in the market. Companies can collaborate with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) or third-party service providers to develop new initiatives.

Funding quantum

Successful applicants may receive up to 50% funding of total equipment cost.


Successful applicants may receive up to 50% funding of total project cost.



Companies will have to show an outcome of at least 30% productivity improvements in their business proposal.

Companies will have to show an outcome of at least 50% productivity improvements in their business proposal.

How to apply

· Online application via the Business Grants Portal


· Companies must have valid Landscape Company Register or NParks’ Licence.


· Select your sector:

(i) Landscape


(ii) Agriculture/Non-Food Animals


(iii) Agriculture/Orchid and Plant Nurseries


· Select “Upgrade key business areas, such as adopt technology, improve business processes or raise service standards”.


· Select “Productivity Solutions Grant” and click on “Apply” button.

· Submit a brief of their innovation project proposal to to kickstart the application process.

· NParks will contact applicants for clarifications or request for more information and evaluate the proposal thereafter.

· Eligible companies will then be invited to submit their application via the Business Grants Portal, together with the following supporting documents:

o Valid Landscape Company Registration or Farm Licence issued by NParks

o Updated company ACRA records

o Latest one-year financial statement

o Farm and project layout plans (if applicable)

o Brochures and quotations for cost of project items

o Project Proposal and Project Outcomes


If you have any queries regarding the grant scheme, please contact