FAQs on Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) Initiative

1. What is Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) initiative?

2. What are the surveys that will be implemented under the TRAQOM initiative?

3. How will the TRAQOM surveys be implemented?

4. What is the scope of courses covered under the TRAQOM initiative?

5. Is it mandatory for individuals to participate in the TRAQOM surveys?

1. What is Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) initiative?

The Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) initiative is developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to raise the quality of SSG-funded Continuing Education and Training (CET) programmes.

There are two main features of TRAQOM:

  • TRAQOM Survey Initiative
    A set of two standardised quality and outcomes survey questionnaires are centrally administered on behalf of SSG after the course. The survey results data will be collected and aggregated into quality and outcomes indicators which will then be published on MySkillsFuture’s Training Exchange portal.
  • Community Feedback Feature
    The community feedback feature comprises a comment section on each course profile page on the Training Exchange. The feature allows individuals to login to the portal via Singpass to post qualitative comments on their selected course. The Singpass login authentication requirement seeks to encourage responsible sharing by the training community. To complement the feature, a “like”/“dislike” button is available for individuals to share simple sentiment of the course.

2. What are the surveys that will be implemented under the TRAQOM initiative?

Two types of post-course evaluation survey forms will be issued to trainees. They are:

  • Quality survey - Issued to trainees on the final day of training for all SSG funded courses.
  • Outcomes survey - Issued to trainees a least six months after the course has ended. This survey is applicable to courses that are listed as full qualification on Training Exchange.

3. How will the TRAQOM surveys be implemented?

The TRAQOM initiative is implemented in phases. Phase 1 is a small scale pilot implementation phase that commenced in April 2017, involving about 50 participating training providers and 650 courses across five selected areas of training (AOTs) [as at Dec 2017].

Phase 2 constitutes the expansion phase of the initiative, which will cover all SSG-funded public courses by the end of 2019. This will be implemented using a new centralised survey system targeted for completion by the end of Q2 2018. SSG-funded courses will be progressively included under TRAQOM by AOTs.

4. What is the scope of courses covered under the TRAQOM initiative?

The TRAQOM initiative will cover all SSG-funded courses listed on Training Exchange that are offered to the public. The eligible courses may be conducted via various modes of learning (e.g. facilitated learning, e-learning courses, blended-learning courses, courses that are conducted on-the-job etc.)

In-house courses and courses that are eligible for SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) only, but do not benefit from any other SSG course fee funding, will be excluded until further review by SSG.

5. Is it mandatory for individuals to participate in the TRAQOM surveys?

It is mandatory for individuals who has signed up for an SSG-funded course to provide the training provider with their name, NRIC no, personal email address and mobile number to facilitate the conduct of TRAQOM surveys.

Individuals are strongly encouraged to complete the TRAQOM quality and/or outcomes surveys.

If assistance is required, individuals are encouraged to seek the training provider's guidance on signing up for a personal email account.

For more FAQs on the TRAQOM initiative, please visit MySkillsFuture at https://www.myskillsfuture.sg/content/portal/en/header/faqs/training-exchange.html and expand the section on "QUESTIONS ON TRAQOM SURVEY INITIATIVE".

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