Displaying 10 out of 47 results

Pet Shop Best Practices (PDF - 62KB)

Industry Best Practices

Pet Purchase Declaration Form (PDF - 84KB)

Tools & Forms

Permanent Animal Exhibitions (PDF - 115KB)

Guide & Factsheets

PALS user guide for pet owners (PDF - 3531KB)

Guide & Factsheets

PALS user guide for pet businesses (PDF - 2419KB)

Guide & Factsheets

List of Scheduled Dogs and Additional Licensing Conditions (PDF - 113KB)

Guide & Factsheets

FAQs on Changes to Accreditation Requirements (PDF - 377KB)

Guide & Factsheets

Application Form for Dog Trainer Accreditation (PDF - 193KB)

Tools & Forms

Animal Performances (PDF - 100KB)

Guide & Factsheets

Animal Exhibitions (PDF - 118KB)

Guide & Factsheets

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