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Himerometra robustipinna


Himerometra robustipinna (Carpenter, 1881)

Family Name: Himerometridae
Taxonomic Group: Invertebrates (Echinoderm)
Common Name: Feather Star


Taxonomic Group 1
Taxonomic Group 2
Family Name
Species Epithet
Common Names

Ecology, Habitat & Location

Ecological Notes Unlike many feather stars that hide away in the daytime, this species lives completely exposed during the day, clinging to coral rock or live corals with its basal cirri. Often its arms are curled up and inwards, protecting the oral region.
Habitats Coral Reef, Marine
Distribution Indo-West Pacific. Noted in Singapore waters in the mid 1980s on reefs fringing the outermost of the Southern Islands. It has not been seen recently and its status is indeterminate.


Trends & Threats Exploitation of this colourful, conspicuous feather star for the aquarium trade. Their habitat is generally readily accessible to disturbance by the growing number of recreational SCUBA divers.
Scientific Interest & Potential Value An attractive and conspicuous feather star typical of offshore reefs and thus a potential indicator for general water quality. Contributes to underwater scenic value of local reefs for the growing number of local and visiting SCUBA divers.
Conservation Notes The species is well known in neighbouring waters of the South China Sea. Its near disappearance from ingapore waters may signify imminent local extinction due either to changes in water quality, over-collection, or both.


Singapore Red Data Book Status Data Deficient (DD) [2008]




References Davison, G.W.H., Ng, P.K.L. & Ho, H.C (Eds.). 2008. The Singapore Red Data Book (2nd Edition). Singapore: Nature Society (Singapore). 285pp


Master ID
Species ID
Species record last updated on: 21 August 2019.